

Salam and Heyyyyy peopleee !
*lama sangat dah tk update, kuikuikui, busy exam XD

So, today I have officially ended my sem 1 , like woaaaah, half year has passed, and one more year to go. By that time baru lah terhegeh hegeh nak kick butt punya efforts, ish ish ish. And yeah, how was my exam? Wait, how was yours? *tukar topik cepat cepat, ahahahaah ! Gila dah, tak mahu jawab, sendiri punya otak sudah sakit sakit time jawab, jadi paham-paham jelah. Sobs sob sob T_T

But this time was better than the mid sem exam, that was one pile of shit. Aku punya jawapan lah yg shit tu, hahaha, and tho this time is better, I dont really think I can pass the points given, waaaaaa )': 

*sape yg tak pass points, kena prep kat library every night. 
Yes, P-R-E-P.

Dah dah, menangis satu kotak tisu pun takguna, lempang diri sendiri laju-laju. Ouch ! Hurm, and now, holiday for a week. I've planned to hang out like a lot, reserved sana sini, hehehe bukan nak bajet femes. Buit I aint got any moneyyyyy, miskin tegar tahap korek duit sugar mommy. Pastu tak copy cite korea masuk lappy, aaargh laptop ni cam tuuut, takleh tengok videooo thru websites. Maka bertambah sadis lah hidup aku.

Soooo, jeng jeng, I've been inspired by the Hijab Fashion Week, and I've decided to challenge myself, to try all sorts of Hijab styles, during this holiday. Adakah ianya lame? Oh suka hati tudung aku laaaaa, LOL

pss; I will look weird in all of those styles, muahahahaha


hoshizora said...

ak nk abis da cuti due mgu...ko bru nk stat kew....have fun la!

weyh, cuti due mgu ak abis ngn tgok video2 big bang!!waaa makin bertambahlah kecintaanku pd mereka!!!!!!!!! especially SEUNG RI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dian said...

menyampah betul aku orang yg dapat cuti lama lama ni, huaaaaaaagh !

wallawaeyh, kalau bukan sebab laptop aku problem, dh lama aku bantai cite korea, sadis :/