
playful kiss .

counting days for my finals;

urghhh tensionn !
bosan nye, ok jom layan playful kiss. HAHAHA

Ha Ni; Hey, wait a minute.. I have something to prepare..
Sueng Jo; Prepare what ?
Ha Ni; See.. A girl has things to prepare..
Sueng Jo; Its fine. I can't wait any longer.

HAHA. this part makes me laughing real hard. Well, I am done with Playful Kiss. yes, terbaik (Y) and I have more chapters to be revised, and I dont know when I shall end it. -.-' 

So, actually, this drama isnt that good because the story is mainly about high school love. A girl who always score the last in the school is falling in love with a guy who is damn smart but yet so cold. typical jugaklah kan? Tapi yang part aku tak faham, this girl, Oh Ha Ni, always follow him, to everywhere and anywhere even until they are already enrolling in the SAME UNI. psycho jugak minah ni.

the part that I dont like, is despite how bad Bak Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong) has treated her, she acts like a puppy, being so loyal to him. Naseb baik jugaklah, lepas 4 tahun tunggu, ended up with him too. Btw, nama pun Playful Kiss, ni antara drama korea yg banyak kiss jugak lah, huahuahua. 

ps; tak dapat tengok Full House full lagiiii, )"":


i.me said...

ee..cm xbes je cte ni..hahha..br igt nk start tgk..

Dian said...

aimi, cite ni mcm boleh tahan laaa. tp memang agak tak rasional sebab perempuan ni cam terlalu suka, laki tu pulak buat dunnoe. apeape pun, still cite yg comel, dan lawak.

Anonymous said...

hoho,, =)

Dian said...

haha, awin aku dh gila korea. sadis :/

Anonymous said...

dian, aku dh tgok abis citer ni dlm dua hari. tp ep 15 aku rosak. tgok kt you tube je. rosak collection aku. ko ade x ep 15.

Dian said...

ada kat laptop kawan aku, kau nak? nnt aku copykan.weh wani, jangan tengok kat utube, tgk kat dramacrazy.net

btw, dia ada sambungan mini tau, setakat ni 4 episod. sambungan mini, life diorg lepas dah habes 16 eps. pun kt dramacrazy.net

Anonymous said...

aku dh ade sume ep. ep 15 broken mase copy x check. trus amik je. special tu aku dh ade n bru tgok smpai tiga. dian, tolong la aku, aku dh teraddict ngn baek sueng jo skng. mne nk cmpak min ho.

Dian said...

wani, kim hyun joong baru menang most popular style icon for male, hehehe. lee min ho dah kalah